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Комментарий автора
Арестован. На хранении в Баландино.

Карточка борта ➦
Текущее состояние
  • Бортовой: RA-65097
  • Статус: порезан/уничтожен
  • Оператор: Центр-Юг 

Салон на 70 пасс.
Владелец - Внуково Терминал ЗАО.
В 1997-98 годах - совместная эксплуатация с Нефтеюганскими АЛ.
Был выставлен на продажу https://spec.drom.ru/moskva/misc/samolet-tu-134-a-3-1978-67442969.html
Карточка борта
  • Реестр типа: Туполев Ту-134
  • Первый полёт: 1978
  • Завод-изготовитель: ХГАПП
  • Бортовой: RA-65097
  • Текущий статус: порезан/уничтожен
  • Оператор: Центр-Юг 
Комментарии к фотографии

andre (фото) | 2015-02-11 01:43 | #

Hi Ilya, very nice poctures of the Tu-134's in the snow. Is it still possinle to fly the Tu-134 out of Chelyabinsk beginning of june this year during my visit to Russia. Imwant to have a couple of flights in the Tu-134 before they are all out of service. I thought Bylina is out of business but maybe Centre-Yug is still flying. I know flights between Samara and Ufa or Ufa-Naryan-Mar-Kirov. Please let me know what is possible in Chelyabinsk including spotting/photography. Other Russian planes to get tickets for in Chelyabinsk (an24/26 or Let410, Tu154)? Thank you for helping me and greetings from The Netherlands/Amsterdam Andre'

andre | 2015-02-11 01:43

Hi Ilya, very nice poctures of the Tu-134's in the snow. Is it still possinle to fly the Tu-134 out of Chelyabinsk beginning of june this year during my visit to Russia. Imwant to have a couple of flights in the Tu-134 before they are all out of service. I thought Bylina is out of business but maybe Centre-Yug is still flying. I know flights between Samara and Ufa or Ufa-Naryan-Mar-Kirov. Please let me know what is possible in Chelyabinsk including spotting/photography. Other Russian planes to get tickets for in Chelyabinsk (an24/26 or Let410, Tu154)? Thank you for helping me and greetings from The Netherlands/Amsterdam Andre'

Илья Соловей (фото) | 2015-02-11 22:14 | #

удалено автором комментария

Илья Соловей | 2015-02-11 22:14

удалено автором комментария

andre (фото) | 2015-02-11 23:09 | #

Hi Ilya, First of all your English is much better thank you may think and secons thank you for your detailed information. The pictures in the snow are very very nice. I wish they reactivate the Tu-134's for the summer. Centre-Yug is a strange company. Sometimes they have a couple of bookable flights. For me "the aviation enthusiast" I hope they have some scheduled flights during my visit beginning of june this summer. Maybe I will visit Chelyabinsk for the Angara An-148 flight. If so I will let you know. Thank you for your help, I appreciate that very much and if you know something special flight for me let me know, Andre

andre | 2015-02-11 23:09

Hi Ilya, First of all your English is much better thank you may think and secons thank you for your detailed information. The pictures in the snow are very very nice. I wish they reactivate the Tu-134's for the summer. Centre-Yug is a strange company. Sometimes they have a couple of bookable flights. For me "the aviation enthusiast" I hope they have some scheduled flights during my visit beginning of june this summer. Maybe I will visit Chelyabinsk for the Angara An-148 flight. If so I will let you know. Thank you for your help, I appreciate that very much and if you know something special flight for me let me know, Andre

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