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комментарии к фотографиям комментарии к фотографиям
комментарии к карточке №242235

страница 1 / 2024-12-03

? Ми-8МТ(Б/В/Д/Ми-17/18/19/19Р) ? 12492
Alexandar Vladic | 2017-07-16 10:54 | 221474
Don't know the construction number.
This is 12492.
Micro | 2017-07-15 17:57 | 221473
Dobar dan. Just write a comment asking the moderator to correct the serial.
Do you happen to know the construction number?
Аскер Аскеров | 2017-07-15 17:32 | 221472
Да и не Ми-8Т, а Ми-8МТВ-5, может и МТВ-1
Alexandar Vladic | 2017-07-15 15:33 | 221471
Yes, my mistake. How to edit this info?
Micro | 2017-07-15 15:05 | 221470
12491 или 12492, но не 12269...
Alexandar Vladic | 10:54
Don't know the construction number.
This is 12492.

Micro | 17:57
Dobar dan. Just write a comment asking the moderator to correct the serial.
Do you happen to know the construction number?

Аскер Аскеров | 17:32
Да и не Ми-8Т, а Ми-8МТВ-5, может и МТВ-1

Alexandar Vladic | 15:33
Yes, my mistake. How to edit this info?

Micro | 15:05
12491 или 12492, но не 12269...