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Условия съемки
Место съемки на карте ↓
  • Страна: Россия
  • Уфа (UFA/UWUU)
  • Дата: 25 апреля 2016
  • Камера: NIKON D800
  • Объектив: 75.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
  • Режим: f=165 мм, F8, 1/800 с, ISO500
  • Примечания: один из заключительных полетов.

Комментарий автора
один из заключительных полетов.

Карточка борта ➦
Текущее состояние
  • Бортовой: RA-65565
  • Статус: на хранении
  • Оператор: Турухан 

Карточка борта
  • Реестр типа: Туполев Ту-134
  • Первый полёт: 1983
  • Завод-изготовитель: ХГАПП
  • Бортовой: RA-65565
  • Текущий статус: на хранении
  • Оператор: Турухан 
Комментарии к фотографии

Антон Удинский (фото) | 2016-08-27 07:41 | #

приятно видеть ветеранов!

Антон Удинский | 2016-08-27 07:41

приятно видеть ветеранов!


Красивый кадр.

Красивый кадр.

andre (фото) | 2016-08-27 12:03 | #

Any scheduled and bookable flight from Ufa with A Turuhan Tu-134? I want to fly this classic aircraft before they are all out of service. Anyone with some information because Turuhan do not answer my email? Regards from The Netherlands, Andre

andre | 2016-08-27 12:03

Any scheduled and bookable flight from Ufa with A Turuhan Tu-134? I want to fly this classic aircraft before they are all out of service. Anyone with some information because Turuhan do not answer my email? Regards from The Netherlands, Andre

Иван Руденко (фото) | 2016-08-28 15:32 | #

andre, I do not know how we can help you. Now these planes carry only watch workers. they do not sell tickets.

Иван Руденко | 2016-08-28 15:32

andre, I do not know how we can help you. Now these planes carry only watch workers. they do not sell tickets.

Пилот (фото) | 2016-08-28 16:15 | #

At the moments there is still Flights to open the sale of tickets for the TU - 134 naravleniyu Krasnoyarsk , Tomsk on Saturday , Tomsk - Krasnoyarka on Sundays. What would you say for sure you have to look Pollet plan.

Пилот | 2016-08-28 16:15

At the moments there is still Flights to open the sale of tickets for the TU - 134 naravleniyu Krasnoyarsk , Tomsk on Saturday , Tomsk - Krasnoyarka on Sundays. What would you say for sure you have to look Pollet plan.

Юлия Бессарабова (фото) | 2016-08-28 16:49 | #

Andre, recently Turuhan has have a scheduled flight TRH9371 Krasnoyarsk-Tomsk on Tu-134. I flew by this flight on 23.07.16. I guess your problem is you try looking for this flight too much early, Turuhan opens ticket selling for this flight about 10 days before departure. I bought the ticket in Gazpromavia site.

Юлия Бессарабова | 2016-08-28 16:49

Andre, recently Turuhan has have a scheduled flight TRH9371 Krasnoyarsk-Tomsk on Tu-134. I flew by this flight on 23.07.16. I guess your problem is you try looking for this flight too much early, Turuhan opens ticket selling for this flight about 10 days before departure. I bought the ticket in Gazpromavia site.

andre (фото) | 2016-08-28 19:27 | #

Thank you for all your help and advice. I know about the flights every two weeks between Krasnoyarsk-Tomsk-surgut-Tomsk-Krasnoyarsk on a saturday and Surgut-Tomsk-krasnoyarsk on a Sunday. In fact I booked the flights on the weekend 9/10 July this year. However the Tu-134 was on the ramp of Krasnoyarsk (RA-65083)but instead I flew Turuhan An-24 and An-26! Very nice but the purpose of my visit was the Tu-134. Maybe I will give it another try this autumn but maybe another scheduled flight with the Tu-134 from Ufa is another possibility? I hoped some of you have more information about Ufa flights but it seems they are not bookable. What do you think, will the Tu-134 still operational in 2017? Thanks again to you all and if something interesting with the Turuhan Tu-134 is on the schedule let me know.

andre | 2016-08-28 19:27

Thank you for all your help and advice. I know about the flights every two weeks between Krasnoyarsk-Tomsk-surgut-Tomsk-Krasnoyarsk on a saturday and Surgut-Tomsk-krasnoyarsk on a Sunday. In fact I booked the flights on the weekend 9/10 July this year. However the Tu-134 was on the ramp of Krasnoyarsk (RA-65083)but instead I flew Turuhan An-24 and An-26! Very nice but the purpose of my visit was the Tu-134. Maybe I will give it another try this autumn but maybe another scheduled flight with the Tu-134 from Ufa is another possibility? I hoped some of you have more information about Ufa flights but it seems they are not bookable. What do you think, will the Tu-134 still operational in 2017? Thanks again to you all and if something interesting with the Turuhan Tu-134 is on the schedule let me know.

andre (фото) | 2016-08-28 19:28 | #

By the way I flew Alrosa with their last operational Tu-134 between Polyarnye and Krasnoyarsk.

andre | 2016-08-28 19:28

By the way I flew Alrosa with their last operational Tu-134 between Polyarnye and Krasnoyarsk.

Юлия Бессарабова (фото) | 2016-08-29 18:08 | #

Sorry Andre, as concerns Ufa I haven't any information.

Юлия Бессарабова | 2016-08-29 18:08

Sorry Andre, as concerns Ufa I haven't any information.

andre (фото) | 2016-08-29 21:18 | #

Thank you Julia. But sometimes something unexpected happens, so keep your ears and eyes open! The Turuhan website is not really up to date and they do not answer English Emails? You have really nice pictures on russianplanes.net

andre | 2016-08-29 21:18

Thank you Julia. But sometimes something unexpected happens, so keep your ears and eyes open! The Turuhan website is not really up to date and they do not answer English Emails? You have really nice pictures on russianplanes.net

Андрей (фото) | 2016-08-30 03:05 | #

Andre, you'll better try out Alrosa web-site for booking Tu-134 schedule flight. They use Tu-134 on routes: Mirny-Yakutsk, Mirny-Irkutsk, Polyarny-Irkutsk, Mirny-Krasnoyarsk, Mirny-Novosibirsk, Polyarny-Krasnoyarsk.

Андрей | 2016-08-30 03:05

Andre, you'll better try out Alrosa web-site for booking Tu-134 schedule flight. They use Tu-134 on routes: Mirny-Yakutsk, Mirny-Irkutsk, Polyarny-Irkutsk, Mirny-Krasnoyarsk, Mirny-Novosibirsk, Polyarny-Krasnoyarsk.

Юлия Бессарабова (фото) | 2016-08-30 13:53 | #

Thank you andre! If I find out something, I'll certainly inform you.
Alrosa is not bad option but very-very expensive! Especially for Central Russia's inhabitant. That is why I preferred Turuhan.

Юлия Бессарабова | 2016-08-30 13:53

Thank you andre! If I find out something, I'll certainly inform you.
Alrosa is not bad option but very-very expensive! Especially for Central Russia's inhabitant. That is why I preferred Turuhan.

andre (фото) | 2016-08-30 21:32 | #

Julia, you are right, very very expensive. But as you know just 4 Tu-134 left in commercial service within Russia. Almost unbelievable because they were flying everywhere with almost every company. Sad but true. 1 Tu-134 with Alrosa and 3 with Turuhan. 2 Tu-154 with Alrosa. BELAVIA From Belarus will withdrawn their last 2 active Tu-154 from service within a couple of months. Correct me if I am wrong. I know about North Korea and Syrian Air but that's out of the question.

andre | 2016-08-30 21:32

Julia, you are right, very very expensive. But as you know just 4 Tu-134 left in commercial service within Russia. Almost unbelievable because they were flying everywhere with almost every company. Sad but true. 1 Tu-134 with Alrosa and 3 with Turuhan. 2 Tu-154 with Alrosa. BELAVIA From Belarus will withdrawn their last 2 active Tu-154 from service within a couple of months. Correct me if I am wrong. I know about North Korea and Syrian Air but that's out of the question.

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