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Are you sure about the con number?
Compare with this photo which was taken 10 days earlier: https://russianplanes.net/id113234
The titles, the stars...
Are you sure about the con number?
Compare with this photo which was taken 10 days earlier: https://russianplanes.net/id113234
The titles, the stars...
Я не уверен, но в моем журнале есть заводской номер, но я не могу вспомнить источник.
49 06 "02" blue An-26 Russian Air Force mfd 1977 opb AvG at Lipetsk-2; f/n Lipetsk-2 13aug99; initially in basic Aeroflot c/s with Red Stars, no titles; l/n as
such Lipetsk-2 29apr10; repainted in all-grey c/s with 'VVS Rossii' titles and Russian stars; f/n as such ZIA 12aug12; l/n Ivanovo-Severny 08aug15
49 06 "02" blue An-26 Russian Air Force mfd 1977 opb AvG at Lipetsk-2; f/n Lipetsk-2 13aug99; initially in basic Aeroflot c/s with Red Stars, no titles; l/n as
such Lipetsk-2 29apr10; repainted in all-grey c/s with 'VVS Rossii' titles and Russian stars; f/n as such ZIA 12aug12; l/n Ivanovo-Severny 08aug15
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