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комментарии к фотографиям комментарии к фотографиям
страница 1

Прототипы Су-57 (Т-50) 51
Олег Волков | 2011-12-05 18:32 | 37820
Фотка просто супер +15000..
Молодец Сергей
Эльдар Файзуллин | 2011-07-15 15:09 | 37819
2 Big: theese are PChN aka Moving LERX Part. They act like canards.
Сергей, фотка клевейшая. Пока что лучшая про Т-50. Я бы её повернул на 7-8 градусов против часовой стрелки для пущего динамизьму, хотя и так шикарно.
Big | 2011-05-30 03:14 | 37818
if its not variable pitch intake vanes then what is it? leading edge flaps? i saw this picture which shows it can deflect down at extreme angles like a control surface.

Big | 2011-05-28 02:35 | 37816
are those canards behind the cockpit? or are they variable pitch intake vanes?
...и ещё 14 комментариев
Big | 03:14
if its not variable pitch intake vanes then what is it? leading edge flaps? i saw this picture which shows it can deflect down at extreme angles like a control surface.


Big | 02:35
are those canards behind the cockpit? or are they variable pitch intake vanes?

Су-27 (Т-10С)
Big | 2011-05-28 02:29 | 37027
amazing maneuverability! its almost impossible to think the engines did not stall.
Александр Красников | 2011-05-17 19:47 | 37026
Буду пробовать.
...и ещё 5 комментариев
Big | 02:29
amazing maneuverability! its almost impossible to think the engines did not stall.

Даниил Кирин | 2011-05-14 16:42 | 36551
It is not very good to compare Ka-50 and Mi-28 directly. One pilot or pilot with navigator/weapon operator - great difference.
Big | 2011-05-14 14:15 | 36550
very nice exposure. detail even in shadow areas. by the way, which one is better? the Ka-50 or the Mi-28? are both deployed by the russian military? sorry for the english, i wish i could speak/write in russian!
...и ещё 8 комментариев
Big | 14:15
very nice exposure. detail even in shadow areas. by the way, which one is better? the Ka-50 or the Mi-28? are both deployed by the russian military? sorry for the english, i wish i could speak/write in russian!