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Maurizio (фото) | 2022-09-29 12:39 | #

It's incredible. I saw a photo of this helicopter and the orange looks yellow.


Furthermore, according to this site Aero Taksi and Krylo are the same company; it is true?

Maurizio | 2022-09-29 12:39

It's incredible. I saw a photo of this helicopter and the orange looks yellow.


Furthermore, according to this site Aero Taksi and Krylo are the same company; it is true?

Алексей Коваль (фото) | 2022-09-29 13:52 | # (R) |

Unfortunately, the link is broken.

Алексей Коваль | 2022-09-29 13:52

Unfortunately, the link is broken.

Алексей Коваль (фото) | 2022-09-30 14:07 (изм. 2022-09-30) | # (R) |

Thank you, but the photo by the link doesn’t open for me anyway, so, I googled this one: https://www.helicopter-database.de/open.photo.p... Also I recommend you study this website, it’s very interesting and useful (if you’re not using it already, but I think you know it well).

If you will proceed through corresponding links to airlines data here, at RussianPlanes, you’ll see that they’re different (maybe it was some affiliation, but it needs a separate check).

Алексей Коваль | 2022-09-30 14:07 (изм. 2022-09-30)

Thank you, but the photo by the link doesn’t open for me anyway, so, I googled this one: https://www.helicopter-database.de/open.photo.php?idphoto=6150. Also I recommend you study this website, it’s very interesting and useful (if you’re not using it already, but I think you know it well).

If you will proceed through corresponding links to airlines data here, at RussianPlanes, you’ll see that they’re different (maybe it was some affiliation, but it needs a separate check).

Maurizio (фото) | 2022-09-30 14:12 | #

@ Алексей Коваль (30-09-2022 14:07)
> Grazie, ma la foto accanto al link non si apre per me, quindi ho cercato su
> Google
> questa:https://www.helicopter-database.de/open.photo.p... ti
> consiglio di studiare questo sito, è molto interessante e utile (se non lo stai
> già utilizzando, ma penso che tu lo conosca bene).
> Se procedi attraverso i collegamenti corrispondenti ai dati delle compagnie
> aeree qui, su RussianPlanes, vedrai che sono diversi (forse si trattava di
> un'affiliazione, ma ha bisogno di un controllo separato).

Thanks Aleksey,
I know him. I manage a Telegram channel and a few years ago I started a column (#mi8Colors) which shows all the possible colors of the mi-8 civilians.
It seemed strange to me as Aero Taxi is united to Krylo and it is often difficult to understand these connections ....

Maurizio | 2022-09-30 14:12

@ Алексей Коваль (30-09-2022 14:07)
> Grazie, ma la foto accanto al link non si apre per me, quindi ho cercato su
> Google
> questa:https://www.helicopter-database.de/open.photo.php?idphoto=6150.Inoltre ti
> consiglio di studiare questo sito, è molto interessante e utile (se non lo stai
> già utilizzando, ma penso che tu lo conosca bene).
> Se procedi attraverso i collegamenti corrispondenti ai dati delle compagnie
> aeree qui, su RussianPlanes, vedrai che sono diversi (forse si trattava di
> un'affiliazione, ma ha bisogno di un controllo separato).

Thanks Aleksey,
I know him. I manage a Telegram channel and a few years ago I started a column (#mi8Colors) which shows all the possible colors of the mi-8 civilians.
It seemed strange to me as Aero Taxi is united to Krylo and it is often difficult to understand these connections ....

Maurizio (фото) | 2022-09-30 14:22 | #

About Aero Taxi...Is it the same company in this old picture?


Maurizio | 2022-09-30 14:22

About Aero Taxi...Is it the same company in this old picture?


Алексей Коваль (фото) | 2022-09-30 14:25 | # (R) |

I remember you, dear Maurizio, you wrote here about your research earlier.

Per quanto riguarda il colore giallo, sembra plausibile nella foto di MAKS-99, o ridipingere (aggiornare) non ha importanza, oppure la foto ha ancora un bilanciamento del bianco, e vale la pena regolare un po', anche il degrado del colore nel tempo potrebbe non importa.

(Italiano text made by Google, hope, it have no rough mistakes)

Алексей Коваль | 2022-09-30 14:25

I remember you, dear Maurizio, you wrote here about your research earlier.

Per quanto riguarda il colore giallo, sembra plausibile nella foto di MAKS-99, o ridipingere (aggiornare) non ha importanza, oppure la foto ha ancora un bilanciamento del bianco, e vale la pena regolare un po', anche il degrado del colore nel tempo potrebbe non importa.

(Italiano text made by Google, hope, it have no rough mistakes)

Алексей Коваль (фото) | 2022-09-30 14:30 | # (R) |

Think it possible to know some info. If I’ll not forget, I’ll try

Алексей Коваль | 2022-09-30 14:30

Think it possible to know some info. If I’ll not forget, I’ll try

Maurizio (фото) | 2022-09-30 14:32 | #

@ Алексей Коваль (2022-09-30 14:30)
> Think it possible to know some info. If I’ll not forget, I’ll try
Thank you Alexey!

Maurizio | 2022-09-30 14:32

@ Алексей Коваль (2022-09-30 14:30)
> Think it possible to know some info. If I’ll not forget, I’ll try
Thank you Alexey!

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