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Is the date correct? Last reported sighting was 30.09.05 after it was cancelled on 01 .09.04. It was then registered 9L-LFQ on 02.06.06 and seen at Nairobi on 18.07.06. Its identity was confirmed in a list from Antonov dated 11.06 declaring it was no longer airworthy; it was deregistered by Sierra Leone on 08.04.08 and was last reported in a damaged condition at Lokichoggio in Kenya in 10.08
Is the date correct? Last reported sighting was 30.09.05 after it was cancelled on 01 .09.04. It was then registered 9L-LFQ on 02.06.06 and seen at Nairobi on 18.07.06. Its identity was confirmed in a list from Antonov dated 11.06 declaring it was no longer airworthy; it was deregistered by Sierra Leone on 08.04.08 and was last reported in a damaged condition at Lokichoggio in Kenya in 10.08
Most likely date is incorrect. 01 Nov 2006 airplane written off - http://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?...
Most likely date is incorrect. 01 Nov 2006 airplane written off - http://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=20061101-1
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