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This is really really great. I was inside this nice little Yak-40 on this sunday evening flight to Sovetsky. There is as far as I know not a single flight from Moscow available anymore with this type of aircraft (except Motor Sich to the Ukraine) so I went to Koltsovo airport were local spotter Arcady Kataev gave me a sightseeing tour around the airport including photography. Arcady thank you very very much. I enjoyed it and thanks for this beautiful picture.
This is really really great. I was inside this nice little Yak-40 on this sunday evening flight to Sovetsky. There is as far as I know not a single flight from Moscow available anymore with this type of aircraft (except Motor Sich to the Ukraine) so I went to Koltsovo airport were local spotter Arcady Kataev gave me a sightseeing tour around the airport including photography. Arcady thank you very very much. I enjoyed it and thanks for this beautiful picture.
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