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На бортовом лючке его нет, табличка на перегородке отсверлена. Где ещё может быть?
На бортовом лючке его нет, табличка на перегородке отсверлена. Где ещё может быть?
https://www.airhistory.net/files/st/cn_explanat... Mi-8s have got the construction number painted on the inside of the pneumatic system filling hatch (on the left-hand side of the fuselage, just aft of the last window). Military Mi-8s may have got the construction number painted on the tail boom or on the fin. Some have got it painted also on the entry ladder. Apart from that, the construction number can often be found inside the cargo bay, e.g. on a cover close to the last window. Present probably on all Mi-8s but not normally accessible are the construction number plates in the radio compartment at the rear end of the cargo bay. You have to stand close to the clam-shell doors and look up. There is a hatch made of cloth on the ceiling. You need to open it (it is fastened with push buttons) and look into the well which opens up. Looking forward (in the direction of flight) you will see a frame consisting of a left and a right part. Both parts carry a construction number plate (one plate carries just the construction number and the other one the construction number and possibly a date). Good luck for checking these plates!
https://www.airhistory.net/files/st/cn_explanation_location.pdfMost Mi-8s have got the construction number painted on the inside of the pneumatic system filling hatch (on the left-hand side of the fuselage, just aft of the last window). Military Mi-8s may have got the construction number painted on the tail boom or on the fin. Some have got it painted also on the entry ladder. Apart from that, the construction number can often be found inside the cargo bay, e.g. on a cover close to the last window. Present probably on all Mi-8s but not normally accessible are the construction number plates in the radio compartment at the rear end of the cargo bay. You have to stand close to the clam-shell doors and look up. There is a hatch made of cloth on the ceiling. You need to open it (it is fastened with push buttons) and look into the well which opens up. Looking forward (in the direction of flight) you will see a frame consisting of a left and a right part. Both parts carry a construction number plate (one plate carries just the construction number and the other one the construction number and possibly a date). Good luck for checking these plates!
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