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видимо доработанные до "МЛД": зазубрина от воздухозаборника к НЧК, вихреобразующие пластины на ПВД, блоки тепловых ловушек ЛО-56 на МиГе за "28"м бортом...


видимо доработанные до "МЛД": зазубрина от воздухозаборника к НЧК, вихреобразующие пластины на ПВД, блоки тепловых ловушек ЛО-56 на МиГе за "28"м бортом...

Andrew (фото) | 2012-04-30 16:25 | #

When I visited Kubinka in 2005 there were a number of MiG-23 and MiG-29 stored on the far side of the airfield, I take it that these form part of that group of stored aircraft? Do you know the serials of all the store aircraft here??

Andrew | 2012-04-30 16:25

When I visited Kubinka in 2005 there were a number of MiG-23 and MiG-29 stored on the far side of the airfield, I take it that these form part of that group of stored aircraft? Do you know the serials of all the store aircraft here??

Андрей Егоров (фото) | 2012-05-01 00:40 | #

to Andrew: For what purpose you are interested in?

Андрей Егоров | 2012-05-01 00:40

to Andrew: For what purpose you are interested in?

Andrew (фото) | 2012-05-01 00:54 | #

I visited Kubinka with a group of spotters from the UK back in 2005 and got some great shots of the Swifts MiG-29 on their return after displaying at MAKS. I could see a number of MiG-23/27 and Su-25 in a compound on the far side of the airfield and would like to know the serials of the aircraft for my logbook.

Andrew | 2012-05-01 00:54

I visited Kubinka with a group of spotters from the UK back in 2005 and got some great shots of the Swifts MiG-29 on their return after displaying at MAKS. I could see a number of MiG-23/27 and Su-25 in a compound on the far side of the airfield and would like to know the serials of the aircraft for my logbook.

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