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найдено в колонке авиаюмора журнала Flight за 1965 год
Хотя и самолет вымышленный, и имя советского представителя очевидно комичное, легко угадывается Ан-22 и общий стиль ответов наших "уполномоченных сотрудников". Я сам не люблю западные издевки в наш адрес (во многом они совершенно несправедливы), но насчет послепродажного сервиса стеб оказался пророческим... да и стиль ответов, увы, очень узнаваемым... :(
An amazing Giant Soviet Plane arrived at Paris on the last day of the Saloon - described by Western air experts as a Giant Soviet Plane, it is as long as 2,198 London buses parked end to end and as high as 346 semi-detached bungalows in Potters Bar or 1,300,000 plates of egg and chips piled one on top of the other. I say that this plane, officially described by Soviet air experts as a Giant Soviet Plane, presents a serious challenge to Western planebuilders.
I report the following conversation at Paris between genial Ivan Fobovsky and a leading western airline chief:
— What is the operating cost? —The operating cost is very low.
— What is the delivery date? —The delivery date is very early.
— Will you give full technical information to the ARB for airworthiness certification? —The aircraft is very airworthy.
— Can I have my technical reps in your factory? — Our factory is very technical.
— Do you provide parts warranties and an over-the-counter exchange service, after- sales service and support and pilot and engineering training? — Our aircraft are ready for service after the sale.
Thank you. We are completely satisfied that this aircraft is exactly what we want, and never again will we buy our aircraft from western aircraft companies.
найдено в колонке авиаюмора журнала Flight за 1965 год
Хотя и самолет вымышленный, и имя советского представителя очевидно комичное, легко угадывается Ан-22 и общий стиль ответов наших "уполномоченных сотрудников". Я сам не люблю западные издевки в наш адрес (во многом они совершенно несправедливы), но насчет послепродажного сервиса стеб оказался пророческим... да и стиль ответов, увы, очень узнаваемым... :(
An amazing Giant Soviet Plane arrived at Paris on the last day of the Saloon - described by Western air experts as a Giant Soviet Plane, it is as long as 2,198 London buses parked end to end and as high as 346 semi-detached bungalows in Potters Bar or 1,300,000 plates of egg and chips piled one on top of the other. I say that this plane, officially described by Soviet air experts as a Giant Soviet Plane, presents a serious challenge to Western planebuilders.
I report the following conversation at Paris between genial Ivan Fobovsky and a leading western airline chief:
— What is the operating cost? —The operating cost is very low.
— What is the delivery date? —The delivery date is very early.
— Will you give full technical information to the ARB for airworthiness certification? —The aircraft is very airworthy.
— Can I have my technical reps in your factory? — Our factory is very technical.
— Do you provide parts warranties and an over-the-counter exchange service, after- sales service and support and pilot and engineering training? — Our aircraft are ready for service after the sale.
Thank you. We are completely satisfied that this aircraft is exactly what we want, and never again will we buy our aircraft from western aircraft companies.
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